Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

The Dragon's Tear

Hey, everyone. Big news! Sale! Where? At Smashwords! Starting March 2nd (Today) until March 8th, The Dragon’s Tear will be 50% off! I’m pretty gosh-darn excited, because if I had another week with this internet connection blackout, I would have missed Read An Ebook Week.

This was very fortunate on my end, because I was looking at doing special discounts on Smashwords. When I clicked the tab for authors to participate, I found an expired promotion. As it turns out, it is much faster (and with less restrictions) to do a sale on Smashwords than it is Amazon. Granted, the drawback is Smashwords has to run the promotion, but it is possible to make digital coupons for blogs, newsletters, etc… Amazon has the author be part of KDPSelect, have to wait 30 days before running a promotion, then an additional 30 days, and then re-sign the contract if they want to continue with discounts. Smashwords is nice.

I also corrected a mistake which made it difficult to find my novel through a retailer’s search bar, and in one case, never showing up. In the Books section on the site, I updated to everywhere Smashwords publishes. Links will update when and where available.